Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Local time in host city


10 Sessions
May 15
10:30 - 11:30
Business Suite 3-4
Heidi Lyng, Norway
Poster Discussions are presented in one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster discussion theatres. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Poster Discussion
May 15
11:40 - 12:40
Plenary Hall
Anna Kirby, United Kingdom;
Matthias Guckenberger, Switzerland
The latest clinical trials will be presented during this plenary session. Join us to learn of the latest results and developments in clinical trials.
Proffered Papers
May 15
11:40 - 12:40
Strauss 3
Multidisciplinary Tumour Board
May 15
13:20 - 14:00
Strauss 2
Sarah Kelly, Belgium;
Steven Petit, The Netherlands
Symposium & Networking
May 15
14:15 - 14:40
Plenary Hall
The Interdisciplinary Award was established in 2023. The award targets radiotherapy professionals who have made an outstanding contribution to a cause in radiotherapy outside of their own speciality.
Award Lecture
May 15
14:40 - 14:55
Plenary Hall
Pierre Blanchard, France
The Hollywood Award is given in the memory of ESTRO President-Elect Donal Hollywood, who passed away from cancer before taking on the duties of President. This annual award is given to the best abstract selected for presentation at an ESTRO congress. The Scientific Programme Committee decides on the recipient of the award from all the submitted/accepted abstracts. Selection criteria are based on clarity, supporting data, scientific rigour, potential significance, interest in the topic chosen and innovation or usefulness, as well as translational work and interdisciplinarity.
Award Lecture
May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Michael Mayinger, Switzerland;
Vratislav Strnad, Germany
Re-irradiation is a promising treatment for a large number of patients with otherwise limited therapeutic options. In recent years, our understanding of the relationship between the dose of radiation, the volume of tissue being irradiated, and the potential for late effects has improved significantly. Still, the tolerance of normal tissue to re-irradiation is not well understood. Furthermore, high level prospective evidence on re-irradiation is lacking, especially with regards to safety, optimal selection of eligible patients and treatment modality. This session aims to explore data on (1) constraints, (2) possible advanced technical approaches as well as employing (3) EBRT and (4) brachytherapy for re-irradiation.
May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Strauss 2
Angela Botticella, France;
Pierre Montay-Gruel, Belgium
Modern medicine, and especially oncology, focuses more and more on the patient as an individual, both in terms of treatment and management of the quality of life. Despite all efforts done every day by caretakers, more initiatives can still be integrated into radiotherapy departments to improve patient care. This session aims at identifying some of these initiatives in the field of radiobiology, clinical research, treatment, and quality of life of cancer survivors. It will highlight several new aspects of patient care, including: benefiting from an active preclinical and clinical research, taking into consideration diversity and inclusion or survivor follow-up.  
May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Hall A
Anna Kirby, United Kingdom;
Yasushi Nagata, Japan
This session will describe the development of phenotype-focussed gene signatures looking towards how we can implement genomics-guided personalising dosing in radiotherapy, how to evaluate and manipulate host immunity and tumour microenvironment in order to improve cure rates, how to characterise tumour hypoxia and develop strategies to overcome it, and how to adjust indications and dose prescriptions according to tumour heterogeneity.
Joint Symposium
May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Plenary Hall
Birgitte Offersen, Denmark;
Femke Froklage, The Netherlands
In this session a variety of breast cancer subjects will be discussed. Firstly, targeted treatments and radiotherapy in breast cancer will be discussed with a particular focus on its potential synergistic effect and its potential safety concerns. Secondly, breast cancer radiotherapy for patients with connective tissue or genetic disorders will be presented, addressing radiation toxicity and secondary malignancy risk. Thirdly, examples of complicated treatment plans will be shown and different options to influence treatment plan will be given. Finally, the rationale for a nodal boost will be presented and nodal boost technique will be addressed.