Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
14:15 - 14:40
Plenary Hall
E van der Schueren Award
The Emmanuel van der Schueren Award is given in honour of the founding father of ESTRO and in recognition of excellent scientific work, enormous contribution within ESTRO to the field of education and promotion of radiation oncology as a discipline.
Award Lecture
14:20 - 14:40
Medical education in the post-COVID era: Challenges and opportunities
Li Tee Tan, United Kingdom


Medical education in the post-COVID era: Challenges and opportunities

Li Tee Tan1

1Cambridge University Hospitals NHS TRust, Oncology, Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Abstract Text

The traditional model for medical education is the lecture delivered by an expert, the so-called “sage on the stage”. Despite increasing evidence that this model may have limited impact as an educational tool, it remains the most prevalent strategy in oncology postgraduate education, not least because of its overwhelming popularity with both students and teachers.

The COVID pandemic has challenged thinking on all aspects of life necessitating radical changes in many circumstances previously considered sacrosanct. This lecture discusses some of the changes that have been implemented in oncology education as a result of the pandemic and explores the pros and cons of alternative educational strategies to the traditional model.