White paper, Seizing the Opportunity in Cancer Care
This report demonstrates the significant role of radiotherapy in achieving high-quality cancer care and highlights what needs to be done to close the current gap in utilisation of radiotherapy across Europe.
White paper (PDF format)
Marie Curie 150th Creative Challenge Video Contest
The Marie Curie 150th Creative Challenge Video Contest was launched in 2017. ECF (ESTRO Cancer Foundation) invited all Radiation Therapy Departments around Europe, National Societies, ESTRO members – individuals or institutional, patients, clinics, passionate care givers, industrial partners and other societies – to create a video that promotes Radiation Therapy as curing cancer safely.
The ECF panel evaluated videos based on the following factors: Message and appropriateness to theme, creativity and originality, and overall presentation.
The winner, Gela Hospital – “Life is beautiful”, was declared during the ESTRO Annual Congress 2018. Watch the winning video "Life is beautiful"
Meetings with European decision makers
Radiotherapy: seizing the opportunity in cancer care
31st of January 2019 - European Parliament Policy Forum
Programme (PDF format)
Awareness videos on the value of radiotherapy
Additional informative material