Global advancements in radiation therapist advanced practice
Global advancements in radiation therapist advanced practice
Purpose or Objective
In the post-pandemic era, many countries continue to face significant health-human resource challenges, which have reached crisis levels across the globe. As healthcare resources become more limited, there is a need to transform and expand current models of healthcare delivery to meet the growing needs of our increasing patient population. This session will demonstrate how global advancements in Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy (APRT) can be used as important and innovative tools for facing and overcoming these challenges as we continue to strive to provide safe, high quality cancer care.
Material and Methods
Task shifting is a method in which a health care professional delegates tasks to another healthcare professional to improve efficiency and alleviate bottlenecks in the healthcare system. This model is endorsed by the World Health Organization and is a strategy already in use in the healthcare sector of many countries to rapidly expand healthcare services. Implementation of an APRT is one way in which some tasks traditionally performed by a radiation oncologist are delegated to an APRT to improve and increase the efficiency of cancer care. In 2021, the CAMRT formally recognized that an APRT-mediated model of care is a novel approach to harness existing expertise and human resources for the benefit of patients, particularly those receiving palliative care. This approach has been successfully implemented in several countries around the world, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and applied to the full spectrum of cancer care.
While APRT roles are structured differently around the world and can differ significantly depending on the individual needs of a particular jurisdiction, they consistently demonstrate the positive impacts of task shifting on cancer care, education and research transnationally. This is evidenced in the growing body of literature on APRT roles and impacts. Over the last few years, we have witnessed the rapid expansion of virtual care, and subsequently an increase in tools that support virtual collaborations. This has allowed greater global support, mentorship and partnerships for local jurisdictions interested in implementing APRT roles in cancer care.
In conclusion, the implementation of APRT roles demonstrates the success of task shifting and provides an innovative solution to expansion and improved efficiency of radiation therapy treatment. As APRTs continue to embark on local, nation and global collaborations, sharing both the successes and challenges, we continue to build an international toolbox to assist with rapid expansion of cancer services and alleviation of bottlenecks along the cancer care journey. Overall, this demonstrates the importance of the sustainability of APRT roles to ensure continued improvement and broader access to cancer care world-wide.