Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

Poster (Digital)
Quality of life in prostate cancer patients treated with definitive hypofractionated radiotherapy
Jing Ma, Germany


Quality of life in prostate cancer patients treated with definitive hypofractionated radiotherapy

Jing Ma1, Christian Trapp2, Paul Rogowski2, Nina Schmidt-Hegemann1, Claus Belka1, Minglun Li1

1University Hospital LMU , Radiation Oncology, munchen, Germany; 2University Hospital LMU , Radiation Oncology, Munich, Germany

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Purpose or Objective

To evaluate the quality of life in patients with localized prostate cancer treated with a definitive hypofractionated radiotherapy (RT) using EORTC QLQ-C30 and -PR25 questionnaires.

Material and Methods

In this prospective study, 143 patients with localized prostate cancer were included from Sep. 2019 to Oct. 2022. Most patients (138) were treated with hypofractionated RT of prostate (20 x 3 Gy) and five with ultra-hypofractionated RT (5 x 7.25 Gy, 3 fractions per week). Each patient was asked to fulfill EORTC QLQ-C30 and -PR25 questionnaires before RT, at RT end, 3 months, 1 year and 2 year after RT, respectively. Diverse functional scores (100 for the best and 0 for the worst function) and symptom scores (100 for the strongest and 0 for no symptoms) were calculated at each time point.


In general, QLQ-C30 functional scores before RT were satisfactory and symptom scores were sparse. QLQ-PR25 symptom scores before RT were also sparse except urinary symptoms. The sexual functional scores were modest, probably due to the old age (median 75).

At RT end, there was a slight decline of all the functional scores and a remarkable increase of symptom scores in terms of incontinence aid, diarrhoea, bowel symptoms, pain and loss of appetite. The increase of other symptom scores was moderate except financial difficulties, which even presented a decrease. Three months after RT, some functional scores (general healthy status, physical function, role and social function) almost recovered to their baseline level and sexual activity recovered only partially, while emotional function increase over its baseline and sexual function went even worse. Most symptoms clearly relieved, while nausea/vomiting, dyspnea and financial difficulties only partially relieved. Interestingly, constipation improved over baseline. As expected, hormonal treatment-related symptoms went worse due to the further use of anti-hormone therapy.

One year after RT, most functional and symptom scores remained stable compared to the previous time point. However, constipation, insomnia, emotional, role and social function turn to the better over baseline while dyspnea, incontinence aid and sexual activity further went worse. Two year after RT, almost all the functional and symptom scores remained stable compared to the one year time point except diarrhoea, which went a little worse.


Hypofractionated radiotherapy caused a decline of most functions and worsening of symptoms, which mainly recovered to the baseline 3 months after RT and remained stable at 1 and 2 year at follow-up.