Authors: László Ruskó1, Vanda Czipczer1, Bernadett Kolozsvári1, Borbála Deák-Karancsi1, Renáta Czabány1, Bence Gyalai1, Dorottya Hajnal1, Zsófia Karancsi1, Marta E. Capala2, Gerda M. Verduijn2, Rachel Pearson3, Jonathan J. Wyatt3, Emőke Borzasi4, Gyöngyi Kelemen4, Renáta Kószó4, Viktor Paczona4, Zoltán Végváry4, Cristina Cozzini5, Tao Tan6, Ross Maxwell3, Juan A. Hernandez Tamames7, Steven F. Petit2, Hazel Mccallum3, Katalin Hideghéty4, Florian Wiesinger5
1GE Healthcare, Digital AI Data Science, BUDAPEST, Hungary; 2Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Department of Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3Newcastle University, Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom; 4University of Szeged, Department of Oncotherapy, Szeged, Hungary; 5GE Healthcare, Imaging MR Applications and Workflow, Munich, Germany; 6GE Healthcare, Digital AI Data Science, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands; 7Erasmus MC, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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