Call to join the ESTRO Young Committee - PDF Version
Dear Young members,
The young ESTRO committee (yESTRO) is happy to announce that it is looking for three new members. The three vacancies available are for two clinicians (radiation or clinical oncologists) and one RTT (radiation therapist).
yESTRO is one of the standing committees of ESTRO, that represents the young radiotherapy community in Europe. It consists of 10 - 12 members from all professional groups of the Society (radiation/clinical oncologists, medical physicists, biologists and RTTs). yESTRO fosters the role of young members, researchers and practitioners within ESTRO. It also leads research and educational projects deemed of interest to the radiotherapy community. Few examples in recent years have been: the PRO BONO study (on burn-out in the field of radiation oncology); the DEI survey (on equity, diversity and inclusion in radiation oncology); the qualitative research project (Focus group discussions) dedicated to addressing coping with isolation among radiotherapy researchers; and a mentoring programme targeting young professionals.
As a yESTRO committee member, you will …
- be a spokesperson for young professionals at the start of their career,
- give voice to the issues that young members perceive as important,
- help organising the young track at the annual congress,
- solve interdisciplinary problems.
yESTRO strives for a diverse committee in terms of gender, professional background and geographical allocation.
Who can apply?
For the current call, we are looking for two clinicians and one RTT (either specialists or in-training) aged less than 35 years and/or with less than 5 years of experience in the field of radiation oncology. They must be ESTRO members. Applicants that do not fulfill the requirement of age/years of experience are encouraged to motivate their application as a young ESTRO member based on e.g. career breaks.
How to apply?
Fill out the online form at the following link:
Deadline of application: 20 June 2021
Should you have any questions, please email Andrea Collavini: at the ESTRO office.
Looking forward to hearing from you

Pierfrancesco Franco MD, PhD
Chair, Young ESTRO Committee