20-22 October 2024

Rome, Italy

Endorsed by ESTRO

Oncology is on the cusp of a transformative era in which the focus will move beyond mere survival to include the well-being of cancer patients. The upcoming Modern Radiation Oncology (MRO).34 symposium, entitled "Modern oncology beyond survival", represents this shift in cancer care.

At the heart of this evolution are innovative treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies. These cutting-edge drugs are tailored to specific cancer types and molecular profiles, and they offer more effective and less toxic alternatives to conventional chemotherapy. By attacking cancer cells while sparing healthy tissues, they not only improve survival rates but also enhance patients' overall well-being.

Surgical interventions have also seen remarkable progress as the use of minimally invasive techniques becomes increasingly common. The use of these procedures, which are characterised by smaller incisions and reduced trauma to surrounding tissues compared with previous methods, results in shortened hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and fewer postoperative complications. Patients who undergo minimally invasive surgery experience less pain and enjoy faster returns to their daily activities, and these outcomes contribute significantly to the quality of their lives.

Furthermore, advances in radiation therapy, supported by state-of-the-art imaging technologies, have revolutionised cancer treatment. Precise targeting of tumours with minimal exposure of healthy tissues to radiation has become the cornerstone of MRO. This precision increases treatment efficacy and reduces the risk of long-term side effects, and hence improves patients' long-term outcomes and quality of life.

The holistic approach to cancer care extends beyond medical interventions to encompass supportive care services. Psychosocial support, nutritional guidance, pain management and rehabilitation programmes are integral components of comprehensive cancer care. Addressing the emotional, physical, and practical needs of patients and their families ensures that they receive the personalised support necessary to navigate their cancer journeys with dignity and resilience.

The two-site symposium is to be held at the Isola Tiberina ‑ Gemelli Isola hospital (day one) and the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS (days two and three). The theme "beyond survival" expresses the goal of modern oncology: to provide personalised, patient-centred care that goes beyond simply prolonging life to optimising its quality. Through innovation, collaboration and compassion, the MRO.34 symposium is intended to inspire oncology professionals from around the world to push the boundaries of cancer care and to foster a future in which each patient can live their best life, even in the face of cancer.

More information here.