On the 15th-16th of November, the first European Particle Therapy Network radiation therapist (EPTN RTT) workshop took place at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. In total, 28 RTTs from 10 European countries participated in this new format.
The aims of the workshop were to connect with each other and provide mutual support.
On the first day, Nicola Bizzocchi (head of treatment planning at PSI) gave a very interesting talk about the impact of setup, immobilisation, and plan optimisation on treatment delivery. Using case studies as examples, Nicola highlighted the importance of an adequate immobilisation device for treatment planning. Following this, Stephanie Trösch (RTT at PSI) gave an excellent overview of how to deal with complex psycho-oncological scenarios. She discussed tools and techniques for calming and coaching patients with an emphasis on how RTTs can significantly improve patients' experiences.
After the lunch break, the participants were divided into four groups, each of which discussed their experiences with immobilisation for a specific body region (craniospinal irradiation, head and neck, spine/pelvis, and head). These discussions were highly productive, and the results were then fed back to all participants. The day concluded with a guided tour of PSI and the Center for Proton Therapy, followed by a dinner and an informal gathering.
On the second day of the workshop, the focus was image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and general questions. For the IGRT session, participants were again divided into groups based on the devices they used for patient positioning, which enabled focused discussions.
Following the workshop, a course evaluation questionnaire revealed a strong desire and need for a continuous format like this. Further evaluation will be conducted by the EPTN RTT group.
Participants of the workshop.

Michael Zorneth
Chief RTT
Center for Proton Therapy
Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen, Switzerland