6 December 2024, Poznań, Poland
Endorsed by ESTRO
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the next edition of the Young Scientists' Forum (YSF 2.0), which will be held on 6 December 2024 at the Greater Poland Cancer Centre in Poznań, Poland.
YSF 2.0 is targeted towards young scientists and students who are below 35 years of age and who specialise in sciences related to oncology, including basic sciences such as biology, medical physics, genetics, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, as well as young clinicians, patomorphologists, medical physicists and radiographers who are interested in therapy and diagnostics.
The forum is an ideal place not only to present your work but also to exchange professional experiences and form new international cooperation networks. The conference will be led in English in a hybrid form: online and on-site.
The forum is a competition. Abstracts submitted by participants will be marked by the jury and reviewed by clinicians and experts in basic sciences.
Works that are approved for presentation during the oral part should be presented in multimedia form and will be discussed with the jury. All parts of the presentation will be equally evaluated: the idea and the results of the study and the presenter’s skill in holding a scientific debate.
The authors of the three best abstracts and presentations will receive awards, including travel to congresses and courses.
We kindly encourage you to submit your work. Abstracts should be sent in English as soon as possible and before the deadline of 15 October 2024.
Registration will be open from 1 September to 15 October 2024.
A detailed programme is available at https://wco.pl/ysf-2024/.
We sincerely invite you to participate!
On behalf of the scientific and organisational committee

Dr Joanna Kazmierska