Radiotherapy during myeloablative conditioning for stem cell transplantation, highly conformal planning techniques
Teaching symposium

16-17 June 2025, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Endorsed by ESTRO
Myeloablative total body irradiation (TBI) is a cornerstone of the conditioning for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). An increasing number of centres are implementing highly conformal techniques with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) or TomoTherapy. Total marrow irradiation (TMI), total lymphoid irradiation and total marrow and lymphoid irradiation (TMLI) techniques are used to target the bone marrow and/or lymphoid volume while reducing doses in the remainder of the body, thereby optimising the balance between treatment outcome and toxicities.
In the VMAT and Tomotherapy TBI teaching symposium that will be held in June, international experts who have cooperated in the establishment of protocols and scientific publications will talk about current and future perspectives for highly conformal radiotherapy techniques during myeloablative conditioning for HSCT in children and adults. There will be breakout sessions at which we will provide in-depth focus on technical and clinical aspects of VMAT and TomoTherapy planning and treatment.
The TBI symposium will be of interest to radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiotherapy technologists, haematologists and anyone with an interest in TBI, TMI or TMLI. You can exchange experiences with international colleagues during the daytime programme and social gatherings. We hope to welcome you to Utrecht in June!
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