International Conference on Cancer Research and Therapy - PDF version   

21-22 September 2020, Singapore  

Elix Techno Media is bringing to your attention its inaugural International Conference on Cancer Research and Therapy (ICCRT 2020). The theme is Underpinning Research to Living with and Beyond Cancer, and the conference is endorsed by the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). 

Cancer is the leading cause of death across the globe. Researchers have led meticulous studies focused on how to stop the progression of this deadly disease. ICCRT 2020 intends to bring together expertise from around the world to understand and discuss targeted therapies, immuno-therapies, emerging treatments that are in early development, and advancements in knowledge of genesis, progression, prognosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer. The discussions will be of interest to practising oncologists, radiologists, haematologists, urologists, basic clinical and translational investigators, scientists and cancer-related health-care workers. The major emphasis will be on the latest clinical aspects of cancer treatment with discussion of significant scientific advances that underlie the novel approaches that are in pre-clinical development.  

The organising committee recognises the commitment and amazing work in the field of cancer research that is carried out by our attendees. By acknowledging their contribution; ICCRT 2020 aims to inspire and motivate scholars, researchers and academics with certificates, mementos and even cash.  

You can only reach the top of your profession by presenting your work to your peers for them to examine your results. Engage yourself through Elix Techno Media’s learning forums. 

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