32nd Residential Course on Modern Radiation Oncology: Multidisciplinarity in the era of omics and AI guided oncology - PDF Version

17-19 October 2022, Rome, Italy


Modern oncology makes it possible to achieve the best therapeutic results in cancer patients and always offers new insights for research, thanks to the application of omics sciences.

High technologies in cancer radiotherapy offer opportunities for personalised treatments with improved prognosis and quality of life thanks to the combination with new molecular targeted and immunological drugs, achieving an increased knowledge of tumour heterogeneity, its microenvironment and immune response.

In this context, modern omics sciences and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can contribute to the rapid generation of large amounts of data and information, useful for describing and interpreting the biology and mechanisms of tumour response to radiation therapy and modern cancer drugs, as well as preventing undesired effects on healthy tissues.

The aim of this course is to provide attendees with an understanding of the general principles of evidence from omics and AI in the context of modern multidisciplinary oncology and their up to date applications in research.

These topics will be addressed in the field of the major oncological diseases, such as brain, ear-nose-throat (ENT), breast, lung, gastro-intestinal (GI), prostate and gynaecological cancers.

Break up sessions of small groups will address topics closely linked to translational research, such as genomics, radiomics and the use of data-mining, AI and Big Data tools for the development of predictive models.

The Course will be on site, with three full-day face-to-face sessions in Rome (17-19 October 2022) with simultaneous live-streaming.   

Propaedeutic web -events will take place at the other three Centers of the Advanced Radiation Therapy (.ART) network (Molise.art, Mater Olbia.art, Miulli.art) to facilitate the engagement of a large audience for the concluding wrap up event in Rome.

For the programme, registration and other details please visit >>>

We will be guided in our reflections by:

A. Dekker (NL), V. Gregoire (FR), M. Guckenberger (CH), E. Troost (DE), K. Haustermans (BE), P. Lambin (NL), D. Verellen (BE), A. Kirby (UK), J. Bourhis (CH), P Hoskins (UK), G. Kovacs (DE), J.G. Eriksen (DK), U. Ricardi (IT), A. Hoffmann (DE), N. Jornet (ES), G. Gagliardi (SE), S. Kyrazakos (DK), Y Lievens (BE), G. Meijer (NL), P. Poortmans (BE), R. Beets-tan (NL), C. Le Pechoux (FR), F. Paris (FR), E. Sala UK), I. Nagtegaal (NL), S. Corradini (DE), E. Fokas (DE), J.E. Bibault (FR).