Filippo Alongi



Brief Curriculum vitae Prof. Filippo Alongi MD is Head of Advanced Radiation Oncology Department at IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Cancer Care Center of Negrar in Verona, Italy and full Professor at University of Brescia, Italy. Previously, he was: -clinical researcher at the National Research Council (CNR Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology) where he conducted experimental studies on high technologies in the field of oncology (IORT, IMRT, MRgFUS). -Co-Vice Director of the Radiotherapy and radiosurgery department of the Humanitas Institute in Milan. He conducted several studies as "principal investigator" or co-investigator "published in various journals (Radiotherapy and Oncology, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Radiation Oncology, Acta Oncology, etc). For the Italian Association of Radiotherapy Oncology (AIRO), he had various positions including the role of national coordinator of the under 40 group and national secretary of the prostate group. He is currently a member of the executive board and of the national scientific committee of AIRO. He is also the national coordinator of the uro-oncological group of the same association. Prof. Alongi is the author of several book chapters(4), more than 268 scientific articles on radiotherapy and oncology (clinical studies, reviews, editorials on pubmed).He has been lecturer at more than 250 meetings and university courses, in Italy, Europe and other countries, including US. He presented more than 200 scientific communications as a speaker at national and international congresses / symposia. He is part of the "editorial board" of several journals in oncology and radiotherapy (Radiation Oncology, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, Tumori Journal) and is a reviewer for the EORTC, the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer.