Peter Bosman

The Netherlands


Prof.dr. Peter A.N. Bosman obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Utrecht University. He currently heads the Medical Informatics (MI) subgroup of the Life Sciences and Health (LSH) research group at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) (Center for Mathematics and Computer Science) located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He further holds a part-time professorship position at Delft University of Technology. Prof.dr. Bosman's fundamental research focus is on the design of efficiently scalable model-based Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) for single- and multi-objective optimization, and machine learning. In model-based EAs, a specific model is used to capture and exploit problem-specific features to guide the search for high-quality solutions more effectively and efficiently and get the most out of previously performed evaluations. Prof.dr. Bosman's applied research focus is on the use and tailoring of (model-based) EAs to solve key problems in the LSH domain that require optimization and/or machine learning. A specific focus is on radiation oncology, particularly on automated treatment planning, deformable image registration, and 3D dose reconstruction. Previous application areas have included (smart) energy and logistics, revenue management, optimization of patient flows in hospitals, and dynamic routing of vehicles for transportation purposes. Prof.dr. Bosman has (co-)authored over 100 refereed publications, out of which 4 received best paper awards. He is program committee member of various major conferences and journals. In 2017, Prof.dr. Bosman was the General Chair of the main conference in the field of EAs: the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO).