Martijn Kamphuis

The Netherlands


Martijn Kamphuis MSc MBA is a Radiation Therapist (RTT) currently working as a lecturer at the university of applied science INHolland (Haarlem, the Netherlands). He has been working at the Amsterdam UMC (before the merge with the VUmc known as the AMC) for 17 years and has chaired the IGART working group on his departement for 5 years. In that position he contributed to the transition from Portal Imaging to Conebeam-CT, the introduction of Stereotactic as well as Adaptive Radiotherapy. After he finished his MBA, he has worked as a project manager in the merge of the VUmc and AMC hospital regarding breast cancer treatment. Within the ESTRO Martijn has been a member of the RTT committee as well as of the educational council. He is co-founder of a RTT-specific course, called the advanced skills of modern radiotherapy course, on which he still teaches. In 2015 Martijn was the scientific chair for the RTT-track of the annual ESTRO conference.