Anne Crijns

The Netherlands


Anne Crijns, is a Radiation Oncologist with specialty areas breast cancer and hematologic cancer, at the department of Radiation Oncology of the UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands. She combines her clinical work with research regarding radiation-induced cardiac toxicity in breast cancer patients. After obtaining her MD degree in 2002, she started her PhD work at the University of Groningen on “Global gene expression profiling in ovarian cancer”, supported by a Dutch Cancer Society grant. This led to her thesis ‘Prognostic microarray studies in ovarian cancer: toward patient tailored therapy’ (2008). After her Residency Radiation Oncology (2008-2013), she was appointed staff membership at the department of Radiation Oncology of the UMCG in 2013. Her research focus is to develop and validate multivariable prediction models for radiation-induced major cardiac events in breast cancer patients that can be used in primary and secondary prevention strategies. In this regard, she is project coordinator of the European multicentre MEDIRAD-BRACE and MEDIRAD-EARLY HEART studies. She is member of the the HOVON workgroup guidelines cutaneous lymphomas, the scientific committee of the NVRO, the board of the IKNL regional breast cancer workgroup North East Netherlands and of the Radiogenomics consortium.