Lara Barazzuol

The Netherlands


Lara Barazzuol obtained her PhD in 2012 at the University of Surrey followed by a postdoc in Professor Penny Jeggo’s lab at the Genome Damage and Stability Centre in the UK. This is where Lara Barazzuol developed her interest of how the embryonic and adult brain respond to DNA damage. In 2016 Lara Barazzuol moved to the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands to establish her own group within the Department of Radiation Oncology and the Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells and Systems.\nHer research focuses on assessing the effect of radiation on the brain and aims to achieve an improved biological and molecular understanding of radiotherapy-induced neurocognitive dysfunction. Highlights from her career to date comprise several peer-reviewed articles and young investigator awards, including the 2012 Mercia Award in Medical Engineering, the 2015 British Institute of Radiology Nic McNally Award, the 2017 Adrian Begg Award and the 2017 Bas Mulder Award. Lara Barazzuol is currently project leader on grants from ZonMW and KWF (Dutch Cancer Society).