Pierluigi Bonomo



Dr Pierluigi Bonomo is a radiation oncologist at the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, University of Florence, Italy. After finishing his residency program at the Policlinico Gemelli – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome in 2009, he spent two years working as clinical oncologist in palliative care unit at Centro di Ricerche e Formazione ad alta tecnologia nelle scienze biomediche “Giovanni Paolo II”, Campobasso – Italy. From 2011 to 2013, he worked at the Istituto Fiorentino di Cura ed Assistenza, Cyberknife Center, Florence. Since 2013, he's been working at Careggi Hospital in Florence, where he is Head and Neck Cancer Tumor Board coordinator and GI consultant. Between 2016 and 2017, he was visiting clinician scientist at the Radiation Oncology department, “Eberhard Karls” University, Tuebingen - Germany, focusing on biologic and imaging predictive biomarkers of treatment response. Pierluigi is an active member of AIRO, ASCO, EORTC, ESTRO, HNCIG, AIOCC (EHNS affiliate) and MASCC. Currently, he serves as chair of AIRO scientific committee; he’s Radiation Oncology representative within the steering committee of EORTC HNCG, active member of EORTC Quality of Life group and of MASCC Oncodermatology and Mucositis Study Groups, liaison of HNCG for EORTC Older Adult Council. His main areas of interest are clinical research in head and neck, gastrointestinal and non-melanoma skin cancers focusing on combined personalised chemo-radiation strategies, hypofractionated, high precision radiotherapy and supportive care.